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Random Thoughts on the Outcome of the Terrorist Attack in France

Word has it just now that the terrorists in that incident around Paris are in custody, those that are still alive anyway. As are the hostages that were taken. That’s a fairly good outcome, certainly.

But now, the French have started to ask themselves who is responsible for enabling these  cretins  in the first place. And rightfully so, I think. Already certain groups within France have started taking matters into their own hands, and I’m beginning to suspect that that kind of response is long overdue, given the government’s lack of ability to control the explosion of Islam in that country.

Here at home, our own news people, (and I use the term advisedly), are all a Twitter about what group of radical Islam these particular terrorists were attached to… Were they part of al Qaeda? Were they part of Isis? And so on.

First of all, the answer to that question hardly matters anymore. The outcome is the same. So too, is the problem. And the problem of course is Islam itself. It’s long past time to start treating the problem as such, and stop trying to placate them. There is no placating them, there is no compromising with them, there is no negotiation with them. Playing whack-a-mole, with this group or that group, simply isn’t going to solve the issue.

There is but one response. It’s time we took it. The French people, if not their government, have already started coming to this conclusion. How much longer before we come to the same conclusion? How many more people need to die?

And don’t give me that I’m being overly critical of Islam. Voltaire once said that if you want to see who’s in charge, look closely at who you can’t criticize. Our governments, and those on the left, seem unable to criticize Islam as such. That’s a problem I don’t share.

And by the way, while I do have the editor open,  how bad are the these terrorists, that they lost to the French of all people? And how is it that the French have more of a spine then we?

It’s only a matter of time before the American people start asking that very question.