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Nightly Ramble: Random Thoughts

* It’s amusing to watch Obama who had two years of an overwhelming majority in both houses of Congress on his side including many Republicans now suddenly decide to take up poverty and his driving force. Wasn’t he supposed to be dealing with that from the beginning?

* Similarly, it is amusing to watch Obama chastise Congress over infrastructure problems, when it was Obama himself who promised us that infrastructure would be dealt with, and that they were already shovel ready jobs out there. Turns out, the majority of the money that was supposed to go for it for structure went to the unions instead. On what basis are we to assume that the money is going to go where it should go, this time?

* honestly, I couldn’t possibly care less about Tom Brady, the New England Patriots, and the NFL in general for that matter, as compared to what’s going on in DC. The lies coming out of the White House right now are far more provable that is the case against Brady and that seems substantial. I submit to you that there is something diversionary and all of this, that I haven’t quite put my finger on yet. Our attention, and of course that of the media, is being drawn off something somebody desperately does not want us to see.

* that business I wrote about the other day with Mark Halperin, my angle appears to have been confirmed by a rather unlikely source. Of all places, Think Progress called him out on his interview. Of course, they waited until the firestorm it already gone by. Typical leftism. When the lynch mob shows up, get in front, and make it look like it’s a parade you’re leading.