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Bush V. Clinton

 _CPAC_by_Gage_Skidmore1 [1]The lame stream media holds that will Mrs. Clinton’s surname is an advantage, Jeb Bush’s is a disadvantage. I don’t so much disagree with latter as I do the former.

The Bush clam are team players. Ask Barbara to show for Jeb’s announcement, she does. Ask Duyba to stay in Texas, he does. On the other paw, B.J. Clinton is a loose cannon. Mrs. Clinton has never figured out, or maybe even attempted, how to keep B.J.from unzipping his pants in the presence of other women, from Breitbart [2]:

On Sunday, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager would not commit to releasing her health records during the 2016 campaign.

Face the Nation host John Dickerson pointed out that “Hillary Clinton had a big health scare when she was secretary of state” and asked campaign manager Robby Mook, “will she release her medial records as part of this campaign?”

“I will let Hillary decide that,” Mook answered. “But I can tell you she has been hitting the campaign trail hard.”

Question, if Mrs. Clinton is hitting the campaign trail hard, is it with her feet or her face?

The democrats have a history of running dying candidate for president, FDR in ’44 and JFK in ’60. I say to Mrs. Clinton, show us your medical records, or step aside.

Exit question:  can you find a sock puppet in Jeb’s crowd, or a reporter in Mrs. Clinton’s?

File under: Bush v. Clinton

Edit:  DL