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Obama Clueless, Carly has a Plan

I attribute my long tenure on the Blog to among other things as not trying to put words in Eric’s mouth.   I will endeavor to so continue.  Eric noted below that President Obama, a/k/a Dim Won. does not have a strategy with respect to Iran [1].    Personally, I’d rather characterize Dim Won as fundamentally lacking in clue, rather than mere lacking a plan.

On a side note, the Supremes’ b/k/a Supreme Court of the United States, appears poised to throw Dim Won’s signature achievement  Obama Care, otherwise known as the [Un]Affordable Care Act, out the window and down the drain.    Dim Won’s only apparent plan is ask a the republican congress to repair the ACA, an act Obama passed with nary a republican vote.   Good luck, Mr. Phelps.

Back to Iran and to the presidential campaign.  in the Aught Eight campaign, Eric lead the Fred Thompson charge.   Alas, Fred lacked the necessary fire in the presidential belly.   It is become every increasing apparent is that the republican contender with fire in the belly is also the only one in a skirt.    I suggest that Carly Fiorina, is  a Fred Thompson but with fire in the belly, better hair (sorry bald gents) and a skirt.   Aside to Mrs. Clinton, Carly is the only announced or likely candidate in either party who dares to wear and looks good in a skirt.

Mrs. Fiorina appeared on Special Report and faced grilling from the host and an all-star panel, news professionals, not sock puppets.   Carly never flinched, never ducked and shined. video:

Hat tip and reax, Nice Deb [2]:

She was a guest on Fox News’ Special Report where she expertly handled every question they threw at her. Fiorina isn’t just conversant on topics from ObamaCare to the Middle East policy – she’s fluent.

I note that Mrs. Fiorina cut her teeth in the board room. You can not filibusterer your board of directors.

Added bonus, if Mrs. Clinton were a dog,  this ad would have Carly arrested for animal  cruelty, video:

As to allegations of cruelty, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula c [3]ould not be reached for immediate comment.