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Mr. Obama Acts Like a Muslim, Media Insists He a Christian

The regime is mad because La Donald, a/k/a Donald Trump, is not doing their job, from the Voice of the Regime America [1]:

U.S. Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump is causing controversy yet again, this time for failing to correct a supporter who called President Barack Obama a Muslim and a foreigner.

If the regime has evidence that Mr. Obama is in fact a Christian, have one of their political operative, otherwise known as the White House press corps, ask the planted question of White House spokesman Josh Earnest, and see if anybody outside the media falls for it.

As for Mr. Obama’s impersonation of a Christian, I find it unconvincing. Any you?

Reax, from Right Scoop [2]:

Look, Obama is a liar and has been exposed as a liar. Megyn Kelly herself has exposed many of his lies on her show. Why so quick to believe he’s a Christian when he lies about everything else? Isn’t it possible that he lied about being a Christian to get elected? Oh of course not…that would make Megyn Kelly a racist to believe that or even to muse about it.

I find Mr. Trump’s answer to the Muslim question, inept, clumsy and ham fist.   I suggest in the future, Mr. Trump reply with the stock answer, “The answer to that question is above my pay grade.”

As for Voice of American insistence that Mr. Obama is a Christian, ask them for  their evidence, if they have any.   Further, does VOA have any evidence that the questioner was in fact a supporter of Mr. Trump and not a plant from Mrs. Clinton’s campaign?