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Hillary Clinton is Still Not Trustworthy. In Other News, the Sun Will Rise Tomorrow

Hillary Clinton, author of the book “It takes a village to satisfy my husband” is finding out that the issue of her double standards when it comes to her erstwhile husband, is not going away anytime soon. [1]

Two weeks ago, Hillary Clinton tweeted that [2] “every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed and supported.” Of course we had to assume that she wasn’t referring to the many women who accused her husband Bill of violating them.

At a campaign event in New Hampshire on Thursday, a woman in the audience asked Hillary [3] if believing all “survivors” meant believing Bill’s accusers as well, including Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey and Paula Jones. Hillary’s response: “I would say that everybody should be believed at first until they are disbelieved based on evidence.”

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Of course that the question comes up of itself suggests that they’re not being disbelieved as Hillary Clinton and the remaining Democrats in her camp might have hoped.

The issue that Bill Clinton is a horndog of the first order, is well beyond the discussion stage at this point. That the vast majority of Americans believe those accusing him of sexual assault, is equally beyond the discussion stage at this point. Which, in turn, refreshes our memories of the fact that Hillary Clinton is a liar of the first order, untrustworthy, and certainly not worthy of the Oval Office.