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At What Point Do We Start Looking At This As an Issue of Failed Policy?

Me, elsewhere today…

Look, even assuming that this was a botched FBI operation, it exposes the fact that the policy of allowing devout Muslims into this country without culturally assuming them, is a drastic mistake. Whatever finally set these two off, it’s clear that they were prepared to do battle against non Muslims eventually. On the basis of this alone, the idea of assuming that all cultures are equal is exposed as garbage. The idea that all people share our values, including life and liberty, is garbage. The idea that we should trust people who actively work against those values in our society is garbage. The idea that we should be disarming our population is garbage. All of this was exposed in San Bernardino and so many other places, that it amazes me that anybody still arguing for these things.

It’s all quite easy I’m sure to point the finger at law enforcement which is charged with the responsibility of enforcing Obama’s policies. But I wonder if it’s occurred to any of the usual suspects that the policies themselves are problematic?