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Nightly Ramble: More Random Thoughts

I’m outside Columbia New Jersey as this is written. Truck is running fine, all is well. Some heavy rains down here last night and some flooding down in the city made things a little problematic for me this morning. But nothing I haven’t seen before.

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I have to pick up some cams in Edison New Jersey and run them up to Geneva New York, and then home.

If you’re driving at nine tenths the speed of light, and you turn your headlights on, isn’t the light coming from those headlights traveling at 1.9 times the speed of light? I swear I saw some people attempting that experiment on the New Jersey Turnpike today.

Bernie Sanders, like most hardcore leftists, likes to quote the Bible to make his political points. He has done so on several occasions when he felt, apparently, that it was to his advantage to invoke the word of God.
(Aside…I hasten to add the distortion of Christianity that is liberation theology to this list.)

The problem is, that there are still, despite the best efforts of the left, a large number of people who understand very well the Bible, its teachings and implications.

It strikes me though, that in the case of both of these, what their stated policies do, is attempt to answer the need for moral power which the Bible is about, with brute power, specifically the power of governments.

Now, anyone who has read this site for any length of time, knows that we here at this blog have written repeatedly and at length about the subject of charity [2].

Just because a government performs an action that on the surface happens to conform to a stated morality, doesn’t make the people subjected to that government, moral.  After all, since when is man made law the final arbiter of morality? And in the case of what the left likes to call wealth redistribution, which is in fact, theft, there seems a moral lack that they routinely gloss over.

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At the risk of being overly obvious, government is not charity. Government is force. Charity comes from the heart, not from a man-made book of rules enforced by governments, with guns, and jail cells.

Is there a difference between fancy ketchup and regular Ketchup?  If so, what?  And, what about catsup? Is it made with real cats?

It’s amusing to watch the left screaming about the Fed, and its influence on our economy. Calls for the elimination of the Fed by liberals strikes me as humorous because they clearly have no clearer idea of how the thing came about in the first place. For all their screaming about how bankers have too much influence on our economy, what they fail to understand is that the Fed was created by our government in direct response to the stock market run and bank runs of 1907, wherein JP Morgan rounded up a number of bankers to save the day. Without his efforts, we probably would have ceased to be a country at that point. The Fed was put into place because there was a unfounded mistrust as regard the banks. But of course none of them seem to know that, or even when told the truth of the matter, absorb that information. I guess some people don’t like their illusions being attacked.

I see where Donald Trump is doing his best to imitate Al Gore…claiming the election was stolen from him. Oddly enough I see Carson doing the same thing, along with Bernie Sanders. I hope I’m wrong, but it’s beginning to look like this kind of thing is the new normal.

To the Carson team, I say this. Ben Carson is an honorable man, but let’s be honest about this thing. You guys sent out an ambiguous message, CNN picked up on it, and everybody else ran with it. Your bad. And stole the election? Does anybody would anything over half a brain really believe that Ben Carson would have gotten tge additional 25000 votes that were needed to put your guy on top, absent that whole screw up? Sorry, I’m not buying it.

Have you wondered at all how many miles you scrolled with your thumb?

Lena Dunham tells us [4] that she won’t return to Twitter until such time as they write some code of conduct protecting women.  (What, not Wymyn, anymore?) And there was much rejoicing. I haven’t been on Twitter in sometime, but I must say that anything that keeps her in the corner with the dunce cap on served my purposes very well indeed thank you.

Remember, I’m off Friday night, so I will see you Monday. And down the road I go.