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Donald Trump Flunks Abortion 101

Amusing to see in the cyber age, that you have go to Australia to see just how stupid Donald Trump really is, from ABC [1](AU):

Donald Trump has reiterated his belief that abortion is “murder” days after he ignited a firestorm by suggesting women who have them should be punished.

Mr Trump has been criticised by abortion supporters and opponents for not being clear about his position on the hot-button political issue.

“The laws are set now on abortion and that’s the way they’re going to remain until they’re changed,” Mr Trump said in an interview with the CBS News

Later in the interview, Mr Trump said he did not disagree with the proposition that abortion is murder.

I most of what Mr. Trump has said this past week, Mr. Trump is flat out wrong. The idea that the wanton killing of an unborn human being while in his mother’s womb is legal is not an opinion, on which people are free to disagree, it is a legal fact. Just like the Supreme Court ruled in 1857, that the Negro had no rights that need be recognized, the same court, in 1973, denied that the unborn had any rights associated with person hood.

Murder is the intentional killing of one human being by another. If our legal system, such as it is, does not recognize the unborn as even human, then killing him can not be defined as murder.

Mr. Trump, may or may not, feel that the wanton killing of an unborn person is morally wrong. However, murder is a legal concept and not a moral one. Killing an unborn person is indeed wrong, but is not and can not be deemed murder.

Moreover, Mr. Trump seems to believe both that our law allows the murder of unborn human being, but that these laws should remain unchanged. So Mr. Trump believes killing unborn humam beings is wrong, but he can not be motivated to change the law. Square that circle Donny.