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Tranny Wars

Tranny wars continue as the main stream media continues to ignore basic biological science, from Abbot Koloff, North Jersey [1]

From the moment he joined, 8-year-old Joe Maldonado eagerly looked forward to camping trips and science projects as a member of the Cub Scouts. But his expectations were dashed after his mother said she received a phone call from a scouting official who told her that Joe would no longer be allowed to participate because he was born a girl.

Kristie Maldonado said she was stunned because her son had been a member of Cub Scout Pack 87 in Secaucus for about a month, and his transgender status had not been a secret. But some parents complained, an official from the Northern New Jersey Council Boy Scout told her – even though her son had been living as a boy for more than a year and was accepted as a boy at school, she said

Koloff fails to cite Joe Maldonaldo’s birth name. However if Koloff has actually been awake in his high school biology class, he would  have known that calling a girl a boy does not make her a boy, not even in New Jersey.

As for Mother Maldonado, when did she plan to explain to her daughter that she was born a girl and will die a girl.