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Congress Opposes Some Travel Bans

The President seeks to protect our country from the Wuflu, from Breitbart [1]:

The travel ban, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials confirmed, will begin Friday, March 13 and ban foreign nationals who have been in certain European countries at any point during the 14 days prior to their scheduled arrival to the U.S.

The countries from which foreign nationals are banned include: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.

, 220 House Democrats have signed onto the “No Ban Act” to stop Trump from being able to executively issue travel bans. Under the Democrats’ plan, travelers directly from Wuhan, China, and Italy would be allowed to continue entering the U.S. via flights.

Means while some in Congress seek to make political points rather then protect our country:

“This bill imposes limitations on the President’s authority to suspend or restrict aliens from entering the United States and terminates certain presidential actions implementing such restrictions,” a summary of the legislation reads.

The legislation would mandate Trump “only issue a restriction when required to address a compelling government interest,” although that interest is not defined. Before imposing a travel ban, Trump would have to “consult with Congress,” the legislation dictates.

Likewise, Democrat Senators Christopher Murphy (D-CT), Christopher Coons (D-DE), Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) have introduced legislation to stop Trump’s recent expansion of a travel ban on some legal immigration from Burma, Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Sudan, along with Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Syria, Venezuela, and Yemen.

Meanwhile back at Congress, while not willing to protect our collective home, Congress is willing to protect their home:

Congress is shutting down the U.S. Capitol to the public until April 1, the Associated Press [2] reported Thursday.

Leave it to some in Congress to both want to allow infected foreigners in the country but to keep Americans out of the Peoples’ House.