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AIM Takes on Antifa

Minneapolis goes to heck in a handcart. Citizens go on partrol. Neighborhood stay safe and intact, from Star Tribune [1]:

But now it’s also known as the hub of an impressive community effort that saved Franklin Avenue businesses and nonprofits during the violence that erupted after the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police.

It started with three American Indian leaders who saw the destruction unfolding on Lake Street and rushed to protect businesses at the heart of the American Indian cultural corridor along Franklin Avenue. Michael Goze, CEO of the American Indian Community Development Corporation, and Frank Paro, president of the American Indian Movement (AIM), sent out a call for volunteers as violence erupted in the streets. Bob Rice, owner of Pow Wow Grounds coffee shop, opened his property as the staging area for AIM street patrols and offered other logistical support.

Citizens rise up, unite and do their civic duty. No mention of white men, and no talk of those evil assault weapons. Maybe the lame stream dictionary defines vigilante as a white man with a gun. In this case the vigilantes happen to native Americans. Well done gentlemen.