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Hit Him Back Hit Him Harder And Keep Hitting Till They Fall

Tony Perkins says [1]:

The 2021 baseball season isn’t even a week old, and it’s already over for some fans. Why? Because, as Andrew McCarthy so efficiently put it: the Left ruins everything. Sports, entertainment, toys, snack cakes, you name it. Their wokeness is a cancer, and it’s taking every enjoyable, unifying, non-political piece of American life and destroying it. In Georgia, their crusade against the state’s election law is built on a house of lies. And for once, GOP leaders aren’t letting them get away with it.

If Major League Baseball wants to alienate half of the country and pull the All-Star Game from Atlanta over a law that makes our elections safer, let them, Governor Brian Kemp (R) argued. It will only show the rest of the country who they are: cowards who cave to “fear, political opportunism, and liberal lies.” In this moment, he told Americans, we need to make a decision about what we’re going to tolerate as a people. If we don’t, “facts and truth won’t matter.” The far-Left will come for “every aspect of your life,” and there won’t be a single patch of everyday America when they’re done. As for me and my administration, he warned, “I will not back down. Georgians will not be bullied. We will continue to stand up for secure, accessible, fair elections.”

This is precisely what I was talking about years ago, when I suggested that the American people are desperate for a conservative willing to fight for what they believe, to go to the mat every single time, just like the Democrats do because that’s the only way that we’re going to win these battles.

If we are to judge on this instance, I would say that Brian Kemp is going to be playing very large come 2024.

As for Major League baseball, they could shut down the entire operation tomorrow and I would rejoice over it. It has become a platform for anti-americanism and I’m getting damned sick of it.