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Bye, Liz

Now that Liz Cheney has received her much deserved spanking [1], what has she learned? It seems safe to say she’s learned absolutely nothing. Such is the way with leftists, even ones that pretend to be Republican.

She even tried comparing herself to Lincoln when the race was called against her. By the way, with that comment I think she’s probably tipping her hand. It’s even money she’ll surface as part of the so- called “Lincoln project”a group of liberals calling themselves “Republicans “.

Early numbers suggest that the only area she was successful in was around Jackson Hole, where there’s a lot of new money and people who have

recently escaped from the Democrat safe area of California, and who seem convinced that their goal in life is to turn Wyoming into the California hell hole they left behind.

I mentioned the other day that the primary season has proven where the mood of the voter is. Trump endorsed candidates are beating everybody else as of a week ago at the rate of 192 to 11. Those figures do not include last night’s counting, which will probably increase Trump’s total.


I see an awful lot of celebration going I’m coming over her loss. This is completely justified but don’t kid yourselves.

I wish it were that simple. But you don’t really think she’s going to crawl back into the hole she came from do you, really? She is through and through a GOP establishment critter and will always be so

Remember, the GOP establishment is still trying to play down Ronald Reagan’s legacy, is trying to play down the importance of Ted cruz, and certainly is anti-trump. Anyone who actually comes out as an actual conservative for that matter is a target of the GOP establishment. The spankings that the establishment is currently getting are richly deserved, but given the history since the 1980s I think I can pretty well assure you that they’re not going to learn anything from it

Before Donald Trump even took the nomination I was predicting that the GOP rank and file it had enough of the establishment and were about to go nuclear on them. Certainly, the nomination and election of Donald Trump was a confirmation of that observation, but if I’m reading these primary numbers correctly, it would appear the rejection of the establishment GOP by the GOP rank and file has if anything accelerated from those days. Truly, that is worth celebrating.