Eric Florack on November 4th, 2007

An interesting note from Glenn today. He’s apparently come to the very same conclusion I came to years ago:

DO NOT TRUST CONTENT FROM ANDREW SULLIVAN: I can’t go around answering all of Andrew Sullivan’s misrepresentations, but it’s telling that


Eric Florack on October 27th, 2007

If there’s anyone in talk radio that has a lower credibility than Err America, it’s Alex Jones.

So, when we find Captain Ed asking the question..

Why is Ron Paul’s campaign paying Alex Jones?

… it just clicks.

Ron Paul, grade A screwballThe

Continue reading about Ron Paul: Troofer?

Eric Florack on October 26th, 2007

You do know that Hillary Clinton has been trying to buy the support of bloggers, don’t you? CNS News:

Call it “Bloggergate” … the subversion of the blogospand here by Democrat money.

To be more precise, Bloggergate is the subsidizing

Continue reading about Hillary Buying Bloggers?

Mike Potenra, at The Corner:

Anti-Iraq War blogger Mark Shea is trying to drive a wedge between U.S. evangelicals and Israel, by posting a video on his website that he hopes will shock us into realizing that Israel is just

Continue reading about Analysys Without Humor is Like Music Without Soul.  And This Guy Doesn’t have Either. 

The Left-O-sphere is all a-twitter this morning, with reports that Err America host Randi Rhodes was attacked on Sunday night, near her apartment in New York City.  One of the posts to the effect is up at Talking Radio,

Continue reading about Updated: Randi Rhodes Attacked, Claims It Was Poilitcal, of Course