Eric Florack on September 12th, 2024

The Prius is the perfect car for people that feel the need to be punished for driving.

It has been my long experience that the worst drivers in the world are the ones who believe they are saving the planet by virtue of what car they’re driving.

New York City is as much fun as a barrel of monkeys. This is an entirely accurate statement if you consider what a barrel of monkeys smells like.

The very same people who have been telling us for generations that money is only imaginary are also the ones telling us that they’re not getting enough of it. Why not simply use your imagination? Problem solved.

The same people who were telling us that Biden deserves a second term in the White House are the same ones that have been trying to tell us that men can breastfeed.

They’re also the same ones that pushed Biden out and are now telling us that Kamala Harris should be president. At what point does their credibility get questioned?

Taylor Swift has made a career out of writing and singing songs about how she chose the wrong guy. It should therefore surprise no one that she supports the Democrat establishment choice for POTUS.

I observe that the biggest difference between Alex Jones and Rachel Maddow is the haircut.

For many years we have understood that islamists would like to see us return to the 14th century. No surprise then that the left who harbors more environmentalist whack jobs are for all intents and purposes working toward the same goal.

By the same token, it’s interesting watching the left who has been calling everyone they don’t like “Nazis”, now, in taking sides with Hamas, essentially making the argument that the only problem Hitler had is he didn’t finish the job.

Eric Florack on September 11th, 2024

People, there is a reason why Bob Dole, John McCain, Mittens Romney, and Jeb Bush were handed their backsides by the GOP rank and file, the first three because the GOP voters sat on their hands on election Day, and the third Bush didn’t even make it that far.

If there is one factor that’s going to keep the Democrats in power and complete the ruination of our nation it’s the establishment GOP not figuring out just what the reason for all that is. And the Cheneys are merely the most recent example of that disconnect.

I wrote before Donald Trump took the nomination, that the GOP rank and file was about to go nuclear on the GOP leadership.

And what can we possibly call the rejection of Dole, Romney, McCain and Bush the lesser, than the nomination and election of Donald Trump over the choice and the loud protests of the GOP establishment?

Eric Florack on September 11th, 2024

This isn’t evidence?

1) Hunter’s business associates got over 80 visits in the Biden VP office

2) Joe took 20 phone calls with Hunter associates on a speakerphone

3) Hunter got 15 AF2 flights and afterwards he often met with business associates

4) Hunter’s ‘one job’ was taking heat off of Burisma

5) Joe personally met with a Burisma executive in the same year he calls for firing the prosecutor

6) Joe personally met with the Moscow mayor’s wife who wires $3.5 million to Hunter’s firm and then she escapes Russian sanctions under his presidency

7) Hunter wanted “10 held by H for the Big Guy”

8) Burisma’s CEO called Joe Biden “the Big Guy”

9) Firing the Ukraine prosecutor now appears to have been Joe’s idea

10) Hunter complained about giving Joe ‘half his salary’

11) Hunter often paid random bills for Joe Biden for no particular reason

12) A “trusted” and “reliable” FBI informant says the Biden family ran a $5 million bribery ring

13) Joe Biden disguised his name with three pseudonyms to hide copying his son Hunter on official government business, including that involving Ukraine

14) Two IRS investigators attest the Biden DOJ directed a cover-up of an investigation to protect Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden

15) Joe Biden sent 44 aid packages to Ukraine in an unconstitutional proxy war

And Joe Biden wasn’t compromised’?

Removing Biden from the race for a second term is I’m beginning to believe, a very convenient method of avoiding the whole problem of corruption. Somebody caught on to the idea that Trump was going to hammer this one home, if Biden actually made it this close to the election.

Over the last several years I have made the observation that Barack Obama had purged a goodly number of military brass who did not share his political views. This resulted in a different way of thinking within the military, from newly promoted brass, more closely aligned with the leftist politics of Obama. I am also said often enough that the military is the only government program that the left doesn’t like.

With that as your starter, let’s listen to former secret service agent Dan Bongino

I suggest that it is reasonable to assume that such politically motivated purges occurred with another agencies as well, for example, the secret service. Now before you start tuning up let me finish.

We know about the purges in the military. It’s well documented. It seems logical question to ask whether or not those actions spread to other agencies. They would result in people placed in leadership positions of those agencies, whose decisions would impact the outcome of various events.

As to the level of incompetence displayed at Butler by the secret service there comes a point in time when the level of incompetence displayed goes beyond simple stupidity and weights into the swamp of intent… or at least a level of disregard for the safety of a political candidate you don’t like which in turn, either way, leads to breaches of security such as we saw at Butler.

With what we have seen over the years, and particularly with what we saw at Butler, it is illogical not to at least raise the question if that what we’re dealing with here.

The left is tried everything it possibly could to eliminate Trump’s chances for the White House. Each time, those efforts have resulted in failure. Is it unreasonable to suggest that a group of somebodies decided that the only way that they were going to be successful was to eliminate Trump altogether?

This question becomes particularly pertinent when you observe that a 20 something nobody managed to sneak a gun into the event site and lay on that slightly sloped roof, well being ignored by the secret service, even though the locals were trying to tell the secret service that there was a threat. This is a guy who had encrypted Swiss bank accounts, either two or three of them I forget wish install in his phone. It is very difficult indeed not to acknowledge the possibility that they ignored him until he got the shooting and then took him out so he couldn’t talk.

My understanding is that RFK Jr has had his secret service protection removed on the idea that he is no longer a candidate. Perhaps a reasonable reaction on the part of the secret service but with recent events I would suggest that RFK Jr’s life expectancy has improved rather dramatically.

In a post of about a few weeks ago, I pointed out that a large number of assassination attempts have occurred to people who were causing problems for the establishment.

Is it logical to not at least raise the question whether or not Butler was another such case?

And have you noticed that we haven’t heard anything about any of this lately?

Eric Florack on September 11th, 2024

Eric Florack on September 8th, 2024

Nate Silver, the former pollster for The New York Times, says Donald Trump is now favored in all the swing states. Nate Silver believes Trump will be victorious and has his chance of winning at:


GEORGIA: 66.8%
ARIZONA: 75.2%

Eric Florack on September 7th, 2024

When Vladimir Putin comes out in favor of Kamala Harris, you can pretty much bet that it’s not because he loves America.

I submit the same thing can be said for Dick Cheney and his daughter. Their support of Harris is yet another clear indication of why the Rockefeller wing holdouts of the GOP need to be eradicated from the party.

Addendum: of course it’s possible that Dick Cheney has died and that’s why he’s now voting Democrat.

Eric Florack on September 7th, 2024

It’s instructive to watch the people who have been defending Tampon Tim over his lying about his military service, getting all huffy and puffy at Donald Trump for showing up with the gold star families at Arlington when they asked him to. Harris didn’t. Walz didn’t, either.

Maybe they just didn’t want to provide anyone a reminder of who it was that was responsible for that banjaxed Afghanistan withdrawal and caused the deaths of those 13?

Eric Florack on September 2nd, 2024

Someone recently asked me why I like Trump. My answer was that I don’t really like a lot of things about Trump.

But this election is not about choosing the most likeable person.

We are voting between two vastly different ideologies. We are voting for the country we want to leave our children and grandchildren.

Trump represents that future and has proven that he can deliver. He is a patriot to the core and even served his country for 4 years without pay.

That moment when someone says,
“I can’t believe you’re voting for Trump”. I simply reply, “I’m NOT voting for Trump.”

I’m voting for the First Amendment and freedom of speech. I’m voting for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored.

I’m voting for secure borders and LEGAL immigration. I am voting for election integrity to include mandatory voter ID. (Why would anyone vote against this?)

I’m voting for the Second Amendment and my right to defend my life and my family.

I’m voting for the police to be respected once again.

I am voting for law & order and an end to allowing protesters to trespass and burn our cities, destroying innocent small business. (Tim Walz)

I am voting for personal responsibility and the end of the revolving door where criminals are being put back on the street. (Kamala Harris)

I’m voting for the next Supreme Court Justice(s) to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I’m voting for a return of our troops from foreign countries and the end to America’s involvement in foreign conflicts.

I’m voting for the Electoral College and for the Republic in which we live.

I’m voting for the continued appointment of Federal Judges who respect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I’m voting for keeping our jobs to remain in America and not be outsourced all over the world – to China, Mexico and other foreign countries.

I am voting for doing away with all of the freebies given to all of the illegals and not looking after the needs of the American citizens and homeless veterans.

I’m voting for the military & the veterans who fought for this country

I’m voting to keep men out of women’s sports.

I’m voting for peace progress in the Middle East.

I’m voting to fight against human/child trafficking.

I’m voting for Freedom of Religion.

I am voting for the return of teaching math, history, and science instead of the indoctrination of our children.

I’m not just voting for one person.
I’m voting for the future of my Country.

I’m voting for my children and my grandchildren to ensure their freedoms

America is the greatest country in the world, hense why everyone wants to immigrate here. So why do you want to change it?

Why do politicians want to enact policies that have failed in other countries throughout history?

I’m not voting for Trump.
I’m voting for America.

Copied and pasted, keep it going

Eric Florack on September 2nd, 2024

# Anybody watching the Harris campaign has long since begun to recognize that the only thing that Harris really wants to fix is the election.

# Imagine a life so bereft of actual accomplishment, that you have to lie about having worked at McDonald’s to pad your resume.

# A pre-recorded show, 41 minutes in total with an actual run time once edited, 18 minutes, is not anything but pure propaganda.

# The same group of people who have spent the last four plus years lying to us about Joe Biden’s mental acuity, right now heaping praise on Kamala Harris.

# One can literally prove anything they want with statistics… For example, the chief cause of divorce, is marriage.

Eric Florack on September 1st, 2024

So the bit with Trump and Arlington ….it turns out it was quite a bit different than what the mainstream media was passing along.. (look closely and you’ll see my shocked face.)

In a move that was scummy even for her, Kamala Harris had the audacity to attack Donald Trump for appearing at the memorial for service members who died at Abbey Gate in Afghanistan. And, by extension, she attacked the Gold Star families who invited him to be there.

Let’s not forget that the reason that those soldiers are dead is because of the totally botched Afghanistan withdrawal run by, you guessed it, Biden and Harris. That’s a point that wasn’t lost on the gold star families that invited Mr Trump.

Steven Miller says it best:

Harris has never spoken to any family member of the Abbey-Gate bombing. Trump was at Arlington at their request, as was his photographer. This is pretty gross.

These families have been ignored by the media, ignored by Harris, stood by while Biden checked his watch during the dignified transfer, only talked to them about his son, one father has been arrested for protesting Biden’s SOTU and now here’s Harris attempting to politicize and speak for them. Like I said, pretty gross.

Also, John Hinderaker

“If the Democrats were smart, they would avoid like the plague any
reference to Joe Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan. It was universally, and correctly, seen as a debacle, and the Afghanistan
fiasco precipitated a drop in Biden’s approval ratings from which he
never recovered. Normal observers see that the current controversy was stirred up by the Democrats in hopes of political gain. The controversy, kept alive by Democrats, mostly serves to remind voters of one of the Biden/Harris administration’s worst failures, and to tie that failure more securely to Kamala Harris. So in my opinion the Democrats’ attacks on Trump for his Arlington visit constitute political malpractice. We can only hope that they keep it up.”

John, if I were you I wouldn’t worry about it. You know as well as I that they simply can’t help themselves.

Eric Florack on August 30th, 2024

How do you go into an interview, knowing what the questions are going to be, having the answers all written out for you, you’re allowed to edit the tape of that interview, and the resulting recording still has you looking like a complete fool on National television to the point where CNN who is ostensibly Democrat TV, has to pull it down in mid sentence?

Democrats are you really sure this is what you want to offer the American people?

Eric Florack on August 26th, 2024

I believe the assassination attempts are not random occurrences, but rather are aimed at people who threaten the establishments power.

Found this on at Wikipedia. I usually don’t quote them, but this list seems partially pertinent to the point.

Four sitting presidents have been killed: Abraham Lincoln (1865, by John Wilkes Booth), James A. Garfield (1881, by Charles J. Guiteau), William McKinley (1901, by Leon Czolgosz), and John F. Kennedy (1963, by Lee Harvey Oswald). Ronald Reagan (1981, by John Hinckley Jr.) is the only U.S. president to have been injured in an assassination attempt while in office and survive. Two former presidents, Theodore Roosevelt (1912, by John Schrank) and Donald Trump (2024, by Thomas Matthew Crooks) have also been injured in attacks.[2]

There’s more of course. Martin Luther King, RFK. Charles Caldwell. Jose Francisco Chavez. John clayton. Linda Collins. James Garfield.

This is hardly a complete list but do you know what all these individuals have in common?

The answer is that they each were a serious threat to the political establishment.

So the Trump campaign is saying that he would veto a National abortion ban. Constitutionally speaking that’s a wise move because such a ban would get overturned it just as quickly as Roe did if it ever came up.

And by the way, he also said that he would veto a National abortion ban when he was president the first time around. Have to dig up where I wrote about that back in the day. This is not, repeat, not a new position for Trump. This is not a politically convenience statement. This is a position of constitutional fact.

The Constitution does not address abortion either directly or indirectly and since that’s true the 10th amendment applies to where those rights and responsibilities are reserved to the states not to the Federal government.

If the left actually gave a damn about the Constitution they would understand this going in and wouldn’t be raising hell about a National abortion ban to begin with.

It’s simply not going to happen with Trump in the white house. Then again you’re not going to have mobile abortion and vasectomy clinics parked out in front of the White House either.

Eric Florack on August 24th, 2024

What little we’ve heard from the Democrats on policy … all of it bad… clearly demonstrates that the basement campaigns waged by Biden and Harris were probably a good idea.

As an example,”the strongest economy ever” wouldn’t need anybody proposing price controls.

When you hear somebody praising the Democrats because gasoline has come down 20 cents a gallon, remind them that it’s still $2 a gallon more than it was when the Democrats took over.
…so they built an impenetrable wall around their convention and required ID from anyone entering the venue.

Donald trump, Robert Kennedy jr, Elon Musk. All of them former Democrats who have had enough of what the Democrat party has become.