Eric Florack on November 30th, 2007

AllahPundit over at Hot Air is reporting Murtha is finally admitting the surge is working.

The question is will ever apoligize to the troops he slandered?

More Memorandum

Update and Bump: (Bit)

CNN is saying that Murtha has taken the

Continue reading about Murtha Admits It…. (Bump And Update)

And we see Doctor Krauthammer, this morning;

Doctor Charles KrauthammerWhen the Democratic presidential candidates pause from beating Hillary with a stick, they join in unison to pronounce the Democratic pieties, chief among which is that George Bush has left our alliances in

Continue reading about WHAT ‘Broken Alliences”? (Another Question the Press Isn’t Asking)

Eric Florack on November 8th, 2007


The Daily Mail is reporting that the eastern coast of England is in for a tidal wave.

Tens of thousands of householders are today preparing for some of the worst coastal floods in decades.

Sea levels could rise up to

Continue reading about Tidal Wave Predictions in the UK

Eric Florack on October 22nd, 2007

Scott over at PowerLine speaking of the Rush Limbaugh smear letter signed by 41 Democrats in the United States Senate, and the New York Times artcile on the subject

The auction of the letter for the benefit of the Marine

Continue reading about The Liberal Press, And the Coming Mainstream America Backlash

Eric Florack on October 12th, 2007

Last July, Bitsblog re-posted a prayer appeal for Matthew Rager, who was afflicted with brain cancer.  We managed to get an update of that situation last night:

mr.jpgWe are loading our car and hoping to leave in about an

Continue reading about Matthew Rager Update