Former Time magazine reporter and self-described liberal Matt Cooper is sticking up for rumored attorney general candidate Ted Olson, who has drawn criticism from Democrats even though he has not yet been nominated.Cooper writes on CondeNast that Olson, “is incredibly well qualified, maybe the best qualified person, to take the job under a Republican president.”

Cooper says Olson was once his attorney and describes him as right wing, but not reflexively so.

He says President Bush, “has a right to appoint who he wants if they’re within parameters of integrity and competence. Olson more than meets those standards.” He writes if Democrats reject Olson, they would be setting a bad precedent for future Democratic presidents.

Indeed. That’s from The Grapevine.

Personally, I’d like to see somebody waddle up to Harry Reid, and just lay it down. “Harry, if you buzzballs are going to play this game, here’s how it will be if and when we’re ever saddled with a Democrat in the White House again: No Democratic nominee for ANY position, will ever get through again if we have anything to say about it.  None. Nada. Zero. Not one.”

Go ahead.  Let Harry Reid scream “obstructionist” and see how far that gets him, given that’s exactly what he and the Democrats are doing right now.  That’s called playing hardball for real.  And it’s about time the Republicans started doing.

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