• So Dennis Kucinich is now on Syrian television talking about the” illegal occupation” of Iraq.  Granted, that the guy is an all out nut case.  But explain to me, how the blathering of this stool sample are any different than the supposed mainstream media, or the supposed mainstream Democrats… such as MoveOn, for example.  One is left inevitably with the conclusion that they are all night cases , who should be fitted for rubber rooms as soon as humanly possible.  Here’s a hint; when you sound like yOne our party’s resident fruit fly, it’s time to seriously are reassessed your position.
  • Speaking of Nut cases, I see Cindy Sheehan was among those arrested at the Petraeus hearing, yesterday. will somebody please tell me how in the world she managed to get anywhere near the place?
  • What is it about being a talkshow host on Boston’s WBZ/1030 ? First they lost Brudnoy,  to AIDS, and now they’ve lost Paul Sullivan to Brain Cancer, says Scott Fybush. Sullivan was good.. likley why he replaced Bruds a few years ago. Sad.
  • As I predicted to you the day Fred Thompson officially declared, he is now in the lead amongst those running for the Republican nomination for president, Or so reports Rasmussen. Good.  This won’t take long.
  • DefenseLink is reporting that all the services met or exceeded last month’s recruiting goals.  This is interesting to me, given that the reports are that the army and marines did the best in terms of making their goals.  Interesting, because it seems logical that these are the ones who are going directly to Iraq…  do not pass go, do not collect $200.00.
  • I wasn’t posting, the day we were attacked six years ago.  As a matter of fact it took me several hours to get to the point where I could write about it at all. Not only was the story moving very quickly, but I was having trouble sorting my own thoughts out about it.  But you might be interested in what I was riding through that. Here’s a sample.
  • Here in new York, the corruption of democrats knows no bounds, particularly when their power.  Governor Elliot Spitzer is no exception.  Fred Dicker has been keeping track of this stuff.  It seems that the good governor, and his staff, have been engaging in precisely the same kind of behavior he was prosecuted not so long ago.  Always assuming of course, that the people engaged in the activity were not Democrats.
  • I mentioned yesterday, an article on Blue Crab Boulevard, comparing the MoveON ad to Joe McCarthy and his over the top moment.  James Joyner has made note of Peter Feaver making pretty much the same point.
