You will have seen, by now, my piece on Hillary Clinton and political payoffs here on BitsBlog and On Pajamas Media. Apparently it’s a still developing story, with new players being added all the time. this morning, comes  The AP:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Secretary of State appointee Hillary Rodham Clinton intervened at least six times in government issues directly affecting companies and others that later contributed to her husband’s foundation, an Associated Press review of her official correspondence found.

The overlap of names on former President Bill Clinton’s foundation donor list and business interests whose issues she championed raises new questions about potential ethics conflicts between her official actions and her husband’s fundraising. The AP obtained three of the senator’s government letters under the Freedom of Information Act.

First of all, Kudos to the AP. Secondly, as Sister Toldjah points out, we’ve seen this before. One has to wonder how many times her name is going to come up with ‘corruption’ attached to it before someone takes the association seriously.
