I said the other day that we were looking at the end of the Democrat Party.

Rich Lowry writes this morning:

The Democratic Party could soon be taken over by a leftist who has never formally been a member (even if he signed a pledge to govern as a Democrat should he make it to the White House).
If it’s any consolation to Democrats, it’s a version of the same wrenching dislocation that has beset the center-left throughout the Western world.

One reason Bernie Sanders winning the Democratic nomination is entirely imaginable is that it wouldn’t be a freakish occurrence outside the experience of other advanced democracies. In fact, it would be entirely consistent with the travails of traditional center-left parties from France to Sweden.

Sanders bears the closest resemblance to his equally aged and disheveled ideological cousin from the United Kingdom — Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

Lowry echoes my thought that this is a worldwide phenomenon.

What’s important however, is that Lowry confirms the suspicion I’ve had for some time, that this move of the Democrat Party here in the US, is towards its own destruction:

Seen from a broader perspective, Sanders doesn’t represent a revolution so much as a lagging indicator — indeed, the British Labour party has already been there, done that.


Sanders bears the closest resemblance to his equally aged and disheveled ideological cousin from the United Kingdom — Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

With Boris Johnson overwhelmingly defeating Jeremy Corbyn I think it’s fairly easy to determine what lies down that path for the left in this country.

While some will point to mini Mike Bloomberg as the answer to these foibles, I suggest the idea of electing another multi-billionaire to the White House is not going to fly with most of the extreme left, and the rest of us aren’t going to put up with his long long record of dictatorial ways. He he isn’t going to fly with either Republicans or with Independents.

Similarly, the Democrat party’s establishment choice, Joe Biden is creating about as much electoral excitement as watching paint dry. After two abysmal performances in the first two primaries… Well…

Let’s just say that it must be a real disappointment having your butt kicked buy an old communist, a gay guy, and a fake Indian. In short, Joe Biden got beat by the Village People.

Bottom line: The Democratic Party stands absolutely no chance for the next couple of elections, at least. America has always been a center-right country, certainly to a greater degree than the United Kingdom and yet look what happened in the United Kingdom.

Personally I’m making popcorn because the desperation we’re seeing out of the Democrats right now is why they’re acting as bat- dropping crazy as they are. It’s called desperation, folks.