Eric Florack on January 27th, 2008

The Boston Globe is reporting that Teddy “Hang a left off the bridge” Kennedy will be endorsing Barack Obama on Monday.

WASHINGTON — Boston Globe– Senator Edward M. Kennedy will endorse Barack Obama for president tomorrow, breaking his year-long neutrality

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  • Three honorable mentions in the OTB Caption Contest. A little unusual, to have three in one contest. Still, I suppose it’s a natural result of hitting Rodney with a handful of one liners every week.
  • I see Ted Kennedy telling

Continue reading about Nightly Ramble: Captions, Glub Glub Club President Speaks Up, Castro And His Cokehead Crony, And Socialists in Vegas

Eric Florack on December 4th, 2007

I couldn’t resist this one:


This one’s from Fark. There’s more, there, too.

Continue reading about Gotta Love It….