davidl on November 1st, 2007


As a canidate, Mrs. Clinton keeps repeating how tough she is.    Yet every time Mrs. Clinton is attacted, her campaign whines like a little girl.   Case in point, Mrs. Clinton’s campaign response to her debacle in Philly.   Hat tip:  Jim

Continue reading about Mrs. Clinton: Politics of Pile-On

In thinking on the events of last night, I’ve come to the conclusion that the left is really worried about Hillary Clinton winning the nomination. I mean, REALLY worried. The usual Hillary Clinton cheering sections, such a Ezra Klein,

Continue reading about Second Thoughts on the Democrat “Debate”: The Left Really Doesn’t Know What to Do About Hillary Clinton

davidl on October 31st, 2007

Crooks and Liars, posts New York State Governor Eliot Spitzer accusing CNN’s Lou Dobbs of spreading venom and hate.  Wow.  It is Spitzer who has divided the state and provooked demonstrations by illegals.

Continue reading about Pot, Kettle, Spitzer

davidl on October 30th, 2007

Eliot SpitzerNew York State Governor Eliot Spitzer is an ambitious man.    He used this tenure as New York State Attorney General create a wave popular support which propelled his to state governor.

Surely Spitzer would like to use the state governorship

Continue reading about As the Spit[zer] Turns

Eric Florack on October 24th, 2007

If ‘immigration”  is as hot as subject in the selection of our next President as I think it will be, Fred Thompson has just won not only the nomination, but the election, as well.

Continue reading about Fred Speaks on Illegals