davidl on July 21st, 2007

Cindy SheehanFor the many long months that Mrs. Sheehan was the leftards’ mascot and darling, she reported no threats on her life.  Now that Mrs. Sheehan has declared her intent to run against Mrs. Pellosi, she is now reporting attempts on

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davidl on July 17th, 2007

Ayaan Hirsi Ali goes On the Map with Avi Lewis, and serves Lewis’s head on platter to him on his own show.  Lewis was born into freedom, and does not appreciate it   Hirsi Ali was not born into freedom

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davidl on July 17th, 2007

Keith Ellison has given a new dimension to moonbattiness.  Ellison proves you don’t have to a either a white male, Ron Paul, or Dennis Kuchinich, or a black female, Cynthia McKinney to be a full raving moonbat.

Commentary from, Pat

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