If there was ever any proof that our press is untrustworthy, it is their reaction to the attacks on America and the world we’ve seen of  late. Does anybody NOT understand whom it is we’re dealing with?  Does  anyone NOT understand what is at stake, here? Apparently, it’s the  leftists running the press.

Since 9/11, they’ve called these those attacking us, “hostage-takers”,  “militants”, “rebels”, “snipers”, “guerrillas”, and countless other  nonsense names, all of which fall short of the truth. Very seldom if  ever are they called what they are… Islamic Terrorists.

Take for example, John Muhammed, our sniper buddy from the Washington area.  You remember him.  He was the radical Muslim that decided to obey the order of Al Qeada to murder Christians and Jews.  He, he is known to have praised the 911 hijackers openly, he held hate-America parties at his house in Tacoma, he frequently visited radical Muslim Mosques that openly called for a jihad against America, He was a part  of Farakhan’s security team at the ‘million man march’.

Oh? You DIDN’T know all this? Gee. Not in the press, huh?

Its clear Islamic leaders knew it… The dust hadn’t settled on the arrest of those slimeballs before Screwy Louie Farrakhan’s public relations crew was in full cry trying to separate themselves from the actions of the Islamic terrorists.

Now, remember the press opened up with the idea that these were “white, Christian, right-wing militiamen.” Just the night before they were arrested… on MSNBC.

But enough of this one event. If this were only one event I’d not worry nearly as much. But there’s far more, even in recent history.

Consider the World Trade Center attacks (1993 and 2001) .

Consider the Pentagon.

Consider the USS Cole,

Consider Osama Bin Laden’s “kill Americans” Fatwah,

Consider the bombing of the  Marine Barracks,

Consider the many embassy bombings,

Consider that  French Oil Tanker,

Consider the actions of Saddam Hussein,

Consider the many suicide bombings around the world,

Consider that theatre in Moscow, where around 70 people died…  and
Consider Bali. Were the Islamics attacking American interests in
either of those two events?


So much for the idea that they are reacting to our foreign policy.

Consider that Islamic Egyptian’s machine gun attack at LAX on July 4th. We never did hear about the motivations behind that attack….the FBI finally concluded it was the same motivation behind Sept. 11. We never did hear that in the press did we?

Consider Oklahoma City . All the mounds of evidence collected, that suggested, nay SCREAMED about conspiracy broader than Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols was ignored. Evidence suggesting a Middle East
connection was also ignored.

I’m sure I’ve forgotten a few points, here. But, we’ve seen this kind of misdirection before, and it’s developing into an undeniable  pattern.. Undeniable for everyone except leftists and Muslims,  apparently.

I’ve similarly written about this as regards TWA Fight 800. I am on record as saying this was a shoot-down, and not a fuel tank problem. While I admit who fired the missile that brought it down is yet a  mystery, I submit that’s because government investigators chose to pretend that hundreds of witnesses didn’t really see what they said they saw. They chose to overlook the forensic evidence that pointed to a missile. They chose to ignore any evidence that suggested anything except a spontaneous center fuel tank explosion

Look, let’s stop sugarcoating these events. The pattern is becoming all too clear. And President Bush is right to act as he has been, and the leftists and the press are wrong to object. The fact is the Western world of which the US is the leader, is in a war against Islam. A war they declared. And one we must win to survive.