I’ve been getting a lot of E-mail over the weekend… a lot of it directed at the idea I’m not saying much about Halliburton.

Neal Boortz : must be getting a lot as well. He’s written about it this morning. This coincidence between the mail I got and his comments in his site this morning are no accident, I think; The timing would make one think it an orchistrated attack from the anti-war nutcakes. I’ll give Boortz credit, he’s usually on top of this kind of stuff… I’ll post a paragraph of his this morning, in answer to the mail I got over the weekend. It addresses about all of the major points in the stuff I got, and dispatches them.

“Once again … Halliburton was awarded this services contract under the Clinton administration.  In the 1990s the Army wanted to get outside help handling the logistics associated with actions overseas.  That’s when the Army came up with LOGCAP, the U.S. Army Logistics Civil Augmentation Program.  Halliburton first won the competitive bid for LOGCAP in 1992.  It lost the contract in 1997.  Who was president in 1997?  Someone named Bill Clinton.  Halliburton was out, but Clinton needed help with his logistics efforts in Bosnia.  Who did he turn to?  Halliburton?  He gave another contract to Halliburton with NO COMPETITIVE BIDDING.  Halliburton then won the competitive bidding process again in 2001.  So .. which party seems to favor Halliburton?  In 1992 and in 2001, under Republican presidents, Halliburton wins competitive bids for LOGCAP.  In 1997, under a Democratic president, Halliburton gets the contract without a bid. ”
