OK, Gang; here it is;
I’m completely out of space on my Rochester.rr website, which hosts half of this website… that’s the side that hosts this system’s home page, and the long-form write-ups I call BitsBits, my newsroom and all of my grahics for both those sites and here on BitsBlog as well.

Rather, though, than simply erasing the older ones what I’ve done is to start moving al of the old BitsBits over to the BitsBlog side, adjusting the dates of the pstings accordingly.

As an example, “The Domino Effect” will now be hosted on the BitsBlog site. It’ll be in the archives list on the date it was originally posted on the BitsBits site. 12-21-03.

To help some folks find the older stuff I’m trying to make arrangements for the original filenames to hardlink to the files new actual location. I likely won’t be making the hard switch for a few days, but I wanted you to know what was what. Pardon my dust, as the sign goes….

Now all that means to regular BitsBlog readers is that they’ll see my long form stuff posted here, too, going forward. I’m working on a way to run different sub-threads on Blogger. We’ll see about that. Other than that, BitsBlog will continue as before.

A year ago, I told you I’d not stop doing my long-form write-ups, and I still hold to that statement. It’s just their location n the web that’s changing.

PS To the sites that have BitsBits in syndication…. fear not; I’ll be sending you each weekly column as I used to, in the mail, in HTML format for easy copy and paste to your own sites.
