AP news is reporting:

Message from a group of Howard Dean supporters to John Kerry: Pick the one-time presidential candidate as your running mate or face a floor fight at the Democratic National Convention.

Salesmanship prevails, here. The claim from Dean’s people is that putting Dean on the ticket will keep people from voting for Nader, thus changing the dynamics of the three-way race.

Personally, I will find the floor fight almost interesting. But this does bring up a few points. Captain Ed apparently is thinking the same thing I am… that the

“…danger for the Kerry campaign will arise if they start believing their own press releases and operate from the assumption that Kerry actually is a centrist. If that is the case, then Dean may wind up on the ticket — which will combine the least effective campaigners in the party on a ticket that will skew hard left, the wrong direction entirely. A Kerry ticket that runs further to the left with Dean will bring about another Mondale or McGovern fiasco. And with the Deaniacs threatening floor fights, we may wind up seeing not just 1972 but 1968 all over again.”

Well, well.

But look, history shows rather clearly a VP choice cannot help you in the general election. It can only hurt you, at least in terms of the general election. A choice like Dean will clearly firm up the leftist base.. somewhat… assuming Democrats have no memory of the idiot’s melt-down in the primary… but it will also turn off everything to the right of Fidel Castro, (Which by the way, Dean, nor Kerry, are.)

A couple northeastern wacko liberals, trying to sell themselves as ‘centerists’ and being reminded they’re not by the miles of video-tape, and their voting records. Yeah, that’s gonna sell in November, huh?

On the other hand, not choosing Dean may cause some problems for Kerry in Boston, (After he crosses that picket line) and cause him to loose some of his base to Nader, anyway.
