McQ over at Q&O suggests John Kerry is about ready to go after the Swift Boat Vets for Truth that are telling about his ‘nam service. (I’ll bet you didn’t even know Kerry was in Vietnam, huh?)

McQ suggests that:

“…the tact may be to claim they’re actually embittered Republicans, disreputable, and one of them may have caused a massacre. Hmmm. If that’s the defense, then I don’t see it being that effective in terms of a rebuttal. The group includes his chain of command, his peers, a crew member and even the doctor that treated his first wound. Pretty diverse and inclusive.”

And to go after them on those grounds raises serious issues about the vets backing him… particularly, in my view, the vets he’s dragged out that didn’t serve with him, and who to a man are all Democrats, and many of them are Democrat leaders in their respective areas of the country. “…If the DNC goes after these guys, it will serve only to highlight the actual number of swift boat vets who oppose Kerry, which, apparently, is the vast majority of them…”

And Dale Franks pipes in:

“…If the DNC goes after these guys, it will serve only to highlight the actual number of swift boat vets who oppose Kerry, which, apparently, is the vast majority of them…”

The botom line here is Kerry cannot answer these charges without looking bitter, petty and a backstabber. If he doesn’t answer these charges, he loooks like an opportunist, a coward, and a liar.

Either way, call it “type casting.”

Update: Watch this vid to see what Kerry’s up against. (WMP only… sorry…. I don’t make ’em, I just link ’em.)
