Blogs of War has a great bit up just now, from Lorraine Jablonsky, a 17year old student from the People’s Republic of New Jersey. It’s called A Critical Confrontation

“Abu Musab al-Zarqawi has declared a “fierce war on this evil principle of democracy” and the people who believe in democracy. He has made clear that it is not just a physical battle between people; it is a battle of ideas.

And while I say that democracy and freedom will come out on top, because the greatest countries in the world believe in the ideology of democracy, I realize that this is not a gentleman’s war. This doesn’t involve a battlefield where rules are set. We are fighting against some of the most brutal rebels in history. These terrorists think nothing of destroying an entire nation. These terrorists relish the idea of capturing innocent people and beheading them on video. We are fighting against a bitter enemy that will stoop to using any tactics to eliminate ‘the infidels’ that threaten their ideals and beliefs.”

Encouraging to see someone so young, and clearly operating in hostile territory, to be so clear-headed in spite of it all. Bravo-Zulu, Blogs of War!!!
