I picked this up over at Limbaugh’s site today.
I’d heard of this nurse, but hadn’t heard the story. No shock, since the press has been hiding her under anything they can. Ier’s testimony is attached at the end of this post.

If the charges she makes are verified by the police record, or for that matter, anything else, what’s being Committed in Florida is nothing short of murder.  Like I said earlier today; Once the facts of this case come out, the public will understand why action was needed.

RUSH: Lets start with audio sound bite number two, and we’ll pick up then at number four. This is Michael Schiavo. He was on Larry King Live last night and Larry King said, “So that feeding tube isn’t in, and she’s dying by what, starvation?”

MICHAEL SCHIAVO: Larry, she’s not dying of starvation. This is a natural, painless death. What happens is when you stop eating, your electrolytes will slowly diminish, you will slowly go into a nice, deep sleep, and then pass away. This happens to people all the time. People with cancer in their last two to three weeks of living, they stop eating. This is how they die.

RUSH: Yeah, but that isn’t starvation, now. See, this guy is making the point that I made yesterday. It’s easy for him to look at this the way he does. He didn’t pull the tube. It’s just not there. She’s not eating, the electrolytes are going to shut down, it’s very peaceful. Nobody is killing anybody here, she’s just dying. She’s not dying of starvation, even though the feeding tube has been pulled. All right, now, it was yesterday that we read to you some quotes from Carla Sauer Iyer, who was a nurse that treated Terri Schiavo in 1995 and 1996. She was on Fox and Friends this morning on the Fox News Channel. Steve Doocy said, “We’ve heard so much from Terri Schiavo’s husband, Michael, that Terri is in persistent vegetative state, she doesn’t know what’s going on. You have a different story. Tell us.”
IYER: I took care of Terri, Palm Garden of Largo in Largo, Florida, from April of 1995 to August of 1996. She would interact with staff, her cognitive abilities included laughing, talking, letting you know she was in pain.

RUSH: E.D. Hill followed up with, “What do you mean by talking? We were discussing this with Dr. Baden earlier, and he said what she suffered was like a type of brain damage where, you know, the lower part of the brain would do things that were instinctive, such as grasping a finger or eyes moving around, but that the higher part of the brain really couldn’t function when she talked. When you say that, what do you mean by that?”

IYER: She would say such things as, “Mommy. Help me. Hi.” She would say the word “pain”, she would not say the letter N very well, but she would let you know that she was having pain regarding her monthly menses. They talked about reflexes. Well, she had accurate reflections on command.

DOOCY: Carla, this story as much different than anything we have heard from anybody else. Why isn’t Michael Schiavo telling people this?

IYER: I believe he wants her to die. He doesn’t want the truth to be known.

RUSH: And Doocy said, “Well, in fact, Carla, you were at that time at that nursing home for a while and then you got into a disagreement that had to do with Michael, an accusation regarding him injecting her with insulin. Please tell me that story because I’d not heard it before, so important. One day he came to visit, then he left and you went in and saw Terri.”

IYER: Yes. Michael was in Terri’s room for about 20 minutes with the door shut. After Michael left, Terri was sweating profusely, lethargic, crying hysterically. I did check her sugar on the glucometer, and it was not reading any number, it was reading low.

HILL: And did you find something in the trash can?

IYER: Yes. I saw a vial of regular insulin, concealed, in the trash bin.

HILL: And did you notice any injection marks on her, and if so, did you confront Michael or tell your supervisors?

IYER: Yes. There was needle marks underneath her breast, underneath her arms, and her groin. I did talk to the director of nursing and the administrator, and I did go to the police.

RUSH: She said she was fired when she told of this, and then she says that Michael prevented them from feeding Terri. Doocy said, “Well, what would a shot of insulin do to her?”

IYER: It would put you in a hypoglycemic state, into a coma, and then death. They said they would call the DCF. I told them I had gone to the police. They were very upset about that. They called me into the office the next day and they terminated me.

DOOCY: Carla, I read one other report that another nurse apparently had fed her some food at several points and then he found out about it and, well, it all hit the fan.

IYER: That’s correct. We were feeding her with a baby bottle. She was taking thickened liquids, puddings, Jell-Os, and she was not aspirating. She really enjoyed that.

DOOCY: And then when he found out that you were feeding her by mouth and not by a feeding tube, what did he say?

IYER: He was going to get us fired.

RUSH: Later on CNN, the same nurse, Carla Iyer, was on American Morning with Bill Hemmer, who said, “Now, you say in part of this affidavit that Michael at one point would ask the question, ‘When is she going to die?’ Is that a fact you believe?”

IYER: Yes. In front of all the staff he would say, “When is she going to die? Has that b-i-t-c-h died yet?”

RUSH: All right, I want to go back and replay one sound bite, follow it up with a new one. We’re going to go back and play Michael Schiavo from Larry King Live last night. King said, “So that feeding tube isn’t in, she’s dying by what, starvation?”

MICHAEL SCHIAVO: Larry, she’s not dying of starvation. This is a natural, painless death. What happens is when you stop eating, your electrolytes will slowly diminish, you will slowly go into a nice, deep sleep and then pass away. This happens to people all the time. People with cancer in their last two to three weeks of living, they stop eating. This is how they die.

RUSH: That’s because they’re so drugged they don’t care about anything else. They’re so full of morphine for the pain that they’re basically in a vegetative state because of that. But the most important thing is she’s not dying by starvation. I’m sorry, folks, but this doesn’t compute. They pull the feeding tube, she’s going to die by — this medical community says starvation and dehydration, and they say it’s going to be dehydration that will get her first because that will cause the kidneys to shut down, that stops the blood and everything from being cleansed and that gets to the heart and your heart dies and that’s the process, that’s what happens. And that’s all because of dehydration. And that’s because the tube is being pulled. And he says no, this is just a natural painless death. I know there are many of you who side with pulling the tube here, but you’re going to have to be honest about what you’re doing, you can’t hide behind the fact it’s natural and painless. Listen to Kate Adamson, she’s the author of Kate’s Journey, she’s on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 last night and it’s a montage that we’ve put together of her remarks about being disconnected from her breathing tube. Same thing happened to her. I don’t think it’s identical circumstances, but she was de-tubed as it were, and this is what she wrote about it in the montage of what she said.

ADAMSON: The stomach pains, the hunger pains, overrode any other thought that I had, terrifying, totally devastating. I was isolated, lonely, I wanted to scream out. “I’m in here, I’m alive. Can’t you hear me?” I craved green Gatorade of all things and I don’t even like Gatorade. I’m screaming inside my body, “Feed me, please just feed me something, but don’t starve me.” This isn’t something that’s peaceful and comfortable to be in that position, it’s painful. You know, I can’t think of any other worse way to die than being starved to death.


Here’s Nurse Iyer’s testimony

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