pan_american_airlines_logo.pngPam M.,Blogmeister, has a piece up on American Thinker on one my favorite targets, err subjects, Mrs Pelosi, “Who is that woman?”   :

“Holy legislators, Batman! Who is that woman?” You can just imagine Robin’s response, to last week’s swearing-in ceremony where Nancy Pelosi, young grandchildren in tow, assumed House leadership, thanking her family for their support in her move “from the kitchen to the Congress.”

Reminds me of my English 101 assignmentsm, compare and contrast.   The MSM adored Mrs. Clinton for refusiing to bake cookies  and leavingi her one daugther to day care.  Now the same media is gushing over Mrs. Pelosi’s five children and flock of grandchildren.   Mrs. Clinton inpugned that motherhood hindered a woman and wanted accolades for being a poor mother.  Now Mrs. Pelosi seeks to defend her San Francisco liberal politcal record by adopting a shroud of motherhood.The MSM is not noted for tolerance of differing views.   In the zero sum game of MSM coverage, Mrs. Pelosi and Mrs. Clinton offer two. almost mutuallly exclusive, models of womanhood.  Which one will the media embrace and therefore repudiate the other?

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One Response to “Pam M: Diapers And Politics”

  1. Speaking of confusing naming standards, the PAN-AM name and all it’s symbols, are now owned by what used to be Guilford TRansportation, a railroad in the far northeast. The symbol has started showing up on Boxcars, sublettered for Maine Central.

    Boxcar N475, you’re cleared for takeoff.