Mr. and Mrs. ClintonMrs. Clinton has confirmed the the New York Post story, we reported on Thursday, she pays cash for campaign endorsements:

FLORENCE, S.C.-(AP)– Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton on Monday denied that her campaign traded money for an endorsement from one of South Carolina’s most influential black politicians

In an interview with The Associated Press, Clinton responded to questions about the consulting contract her campaign negotiated with state Sen. Darrell Jackson, who last week endorsed her candidacy rather than of top rivals

Mr. Clinton denied that B.J.’s were sex.  I guess, by the logic, Mrs. Clinton can deny buying campaign endorsements is corrupt.

More, Ed Morrisey, Captain’s Quarters:

This comes courtesy of the political party that ran on a platform of reform and “draining the swamp”. Now it appears that the Democratic frontrunner has positioned herself as chief alligator. The green certainly has flown around the campaign trail, if this is any indication.

It is time for Mrs. Clinton come clean with her entire list of endorsements she has bought.

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