George E.

(H/T photo:  South Dakota Politics )

John “Breck Girl” Edwards is man of great wealth and little achievement. 

George E. “Bud” Day is a man of unmatched achievement and a hero is every sense.  Day is simply America’s most decorated living  veteran.   Day spent sixty-seven months in Hell.   Want to see the fact of a hero, look into Day’s face.

For theis the Los Angeles Times has seen fit to call Colonel Day a “lunatic” and a “goon.”  Day’s crime.  He dared to question John  Kerry’s fitness to serve:

Kerry cast a long dark shadow over all Vietnam Veterans with his outright perjury before the Senate concerning atrocities in Vietnam. His stories to the Senate committee were absolute lies.. fabrications.. perjury.. fantasies, with NO substance. That dark shadow has defamed the entire Vietnam War veteran population, and gave “Aid and Comfort” to our enemies..the Vietnamese Communists. Kerry’s stories were outright fabrications, and were intended for political gain with the radical left..McGovern, Teddy and Bobby Kennedy followers, Jane Fonda, Tom Hayden, and the radical left who fantasized that George McGovern was going to be elected in 1972. Little wonder that returning soldiers from Vietnam were spit upon and castigated as “baby killers”. A returned war hero said so….

My friend and room mate Senator John S. McCain denounced the Swiftboat video by John O’Neil. I have a different take on the Swiftboat tape and disagree with my good friend John.
John Kerry opened up his character as a war hero reporting for duty to the country with a hand salute…and his band of brothers..of which he was the chief hero. Most of his convention speech was about John Kerry..Vietnam hero, and his band of brothers. John Kerry’s character is not only fair game, it is the primary issue. He wants to use Bill Clinton’s “is”, as an answer to his lack of character….

John Kerry for President? Ridiculous. Unthinkable. Unbelievable. Outrageous.

Kerry dared run on his military credential’s, such as they are.  Colonel Day responded to Kerry’s challenge.

Howard Dean is upset because Ann Coulter dared to suggest that Edwards was a homosexual.    Yet Dean, a draft avoider, is strangely silent when a true American hero and patriot like Colonel Day called a lunatic and goon.
Jason, at Countercoluim, calls the column’s author, Rosa Brooks, a “hack.”  Personally I think Jason is being overly charitable.

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