New York Senator Hillary Clinton, who changes accents as easily as jewellery, is using an image of Mother Teresa from a campaign video narrated by her husband former President Bill Clinton. Only Hillary would try to don Mother Teresa like a string of pearls. There are those who would say that Mother Teresa and Clinton don’t belong in the same sentence. “It is wholly inappropriate, disrespectful and disturbing that Hillary Clinton is using an image of Blessed Mother Teresa as a political tool, especially given their radically different views on abortion,” said Joseph Cella, President of Fidelis, a Catholic advocacy group. The nun, revered as The Patron Saint of Gutters during her life on earth, fought lioness like to protect unborn children. Hillary Clinton “staunchly supports abortion on demand in all nine months of pregnancy, including partial birth abortion and taxpayer funding of abortion,” said Fidelis.


So says The Hillary Project.


The very living definition of “Shameless”.


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