Here we go….

CARACAS, Venezuela —AP- President Hugo Chavez urged soldiers on Sunday to prepare for a guerrilla-style war against the United States, saying that Washington is using psychological and economic warfare as part of an unconventional campaign aimed at derailing his government.

Dressed in olive green fatigues and a red beret, Chavez spoke inside Tiuna Fort — Venezuela’s military nerve-center—before hundreds of uniformed soldiers standing alongside armored vehicles and tanks decorated with banners reading: “Fatherland, Socialism, or Death! We will triumph!”

Under Chavez, Venezuela has recently purchased some $3 billion worth of arms from Russia, including 53 military helicopters, 100,000 Kalashnikov rifles, 24 SU-30 Sukhoi fighter jets.

Last week, Chavez said he is considering arms purchases, including submarines and a missile-equipped air defense system, as he prepares for a tour of Russia, Belarus and Iran.

sheehan_chavez.bmpWhat a difference a couple of months makes.  Wasn’t it just the first of the year, or so, when the supposed antiwar left, considered Hugo Chavez to be its new darling?

I notice an extraordinary, eerie silence coming from the usual suspects, this morning.  I personally would be particularly interested in hearing from Cindy Sheehan.  One wonders what her reaction would be to this overtly war mongering stance of her bestest buddy.

It’s not like this situation wasn’t predicted. As usual, the useful idiots, didn’t listen.  It’s now up to the adults, to clean up the mess kiddies like Cindy Sheehan and her followers have left.

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