Sen. John McCain’s top three press aides resigned this morning, Republicans close to the campaign said and one of those aides confirmed.

The campaign’s research director and two other press staffers also stepped down.

The departure of Brian Jones, the communications director, Danny Diaz, his deputy, and Matt David, another deputy, had been widely anticipated since last week’s resignation of campaign manager Terry Nelson. All three were Nelson’s proteges and worked closely with departed strategist John Weaver.

Just about everybody on the planet is busy writing John McCain off, including myself.  Of course, we have been, since he declared his candidacy some time ago.  After eight years of the centerist president, the last thing the country wants is a the leftist in centerist clothing that McCain represents.
The deathwatch surrounding John McCain, has brought some predictably partisan comments from the wacko left.  For example Arianna Huffington, who suggests that McCain’s biggest problem was his support for the Iraq war.   And this would seem a plausible argument, until such time as you notice that the leader of the race at the moment, Fred Thompson, also is a supporter of our actions in Iraq.   I guess an argument doesn’t have to make sense for her to print it.  All it really needs to do is fit into the myopic leftist world view.

McCain’s ship is sinking, and will be gone shortly, not because he was leaning right, but because he was listing to the left. Listing so badly in fact that his crew has started to abandon ship.

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  1. University Update - John McCain - Is this the Straight Talk Express or the Titanic?