Eliot Spitzer

If Eliot Spiter were a republican in Washington,  the democrats would be talking impeachment.   As it is, Spitzer iis democrat in Albany.  But for how long?   Erick, Red State, has a laundry list of charges.

They should start yelling against about the President spying on Americans and covering up the firings of US Attorneys. Then we can point to actually illegal spying by Elliot Spitzer and his efforts to cover up what happened by granting “special counsel” status to regular employees

Sptzer would like to be president, but can he survive as govenor?


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2 Responses to “As the Spit[zer] Turns”

  1. Certainly, comparisons to Dick Nixon would be on the tongues of democrats everywhere, were this a republican we’re talking about.  Of course, he is not a republican, and so the democrats maintain their silent routine.

  2. Bit, you hit on something with Richeard Nixon.  What doomed Nixon was when he lost republican support.  With Clinton, the ‘rats in the Senate would never vote to remove him from office and likewise Forty-Three can retain enouugh ‘pubs in the Senate, if need be.

    However Spitzer is such a jerk, they he just might be the ‘rats mad enough.  Evidently, Spitzer skipped Dale Carnege