A Blue Dog is a conservative democrat.   The Kossack wing of the democrat party faces a problem.  It appears that the Kossacks can’t live with the Blue Dogs.  However without the Blue Dogs the democrats would not have have a majority in Congeress.

Will the democrats destroy their majority from within?  The New York Times seems to susggest as much:

WASHINGTON, Aug. 8 — Progressive and liberal groups and left-leaning blogs are furious, tossing around fighting words like “spineless,” “craven” and “weak.”

So much for the hopes of Democratic leaders that they could avoid a withering political attack by clearing the way for Congress to approve an expansion of the Bush administration’s terrorist surveillance program before the August recess.

Dean Barnet identifies the Kossacks’ problem:

[T]he problem of building a political movement where everything is intensely personal.

The art of politics is collecting and using political power.   Sadly for the Kossacks, they appear blind to their personal idealogy.



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