So, I’m scanning the AP wire, and I note a story moving under the heading:

“Obama names Republicans he’ll work with “

Well, says I, this should be mildly amusing..

“There are some very capable Republicans who I have a great deal of respect for,” Obama said in an interview with The Associated Press. “The opportunities are there to create a more effective relationship between parties.”

Among the Republicans he would seek help from are Sens. Richard Lugar of Indiana, John Warner of Virginia and Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, Obama said.

Well, these choices should surprise nobody.

Lugar has been on my excrement list since “Advice to the next president” which was a work that Jimmy Carter would have been proud of.  And of course, scroll down a little bit, to another article and you’ll notice that I label Jimmy Carter the worst disaster in foreign policy in this country’s history.  John Warner, just recently, prove himself too much about had to be taken seriously, and I’m not even going with Coburn.

The only person missing from the list, that he probably would be making noise about under different circumstances, would be John McCain.  The trouble is, McCain is a possible contender, all be it , like Obama, he doesn’t stand much of a chance… sure politics, then, not to mention them.

Perhaps somebody  ought to tell Obama, that when you’re this far behind in your own party’s primary, much less actually running for the presidency, you don’t get to dictate your terms.

And smack dab in the middle of the article, Obama comes up with THIS little gem:

Part of Washington’s problem is that President Bush has created a partisan atmosphere, he said.

Talk about projection.   Every time you open system out the demonstrates clearly why Ddemocrats in general, and he in particular, deserve not even a whiff of the reins of power.

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