Jesse Jackson

Jesse Jackson is fond of the term “defining moment.”   In politics, a defining moment is when a politician accidently speaks  thbe truth.  Glenn Thrush, Newsday, reports:

WASHINGTON – The Rev. Jesse Jackson has accused Barack Obama of “acting like he’s white,” claiming the candidate hasn’t spoken out on behalf of six Jena, La., students charged in a 2006 racially charged brawl, according to South Carolina’s The State newspaper

Tom Maguire, Just One Minute, has the backstory:

So let’s go to a real newspaper – the Chicago Tribune had good coverage on May 20 2007, and the WaPo had a detailed piece on August.

CNN interviewed Jackson about the incident.   When directly asked if he said Barack Obana was acting “too white”,  Jacks0on hemmed and hawed but did not deny the charge. video.  

Two obsrevations from the video.   One, Jackson does not deny accusing Obama of acting “too white”, and two, Jackson continues to support Obama for president.

Therefore is it fair to conclude that Jackson thinks acting white is positive attribute in a presidential canidate?  If acting white is good, why not endorse a white?  Might I suggest Fred Thompson.   Why not the real thing?

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