Rasmussen Reports:

Tuesday night’s debate was not Hillary Clinton’s finest moment of the campaign season, but there has been little or no immediate damage to her standing in the national polls. In fact, if anything, support for Clinton has ticked up a bit since she stumbled on an answer to questions about drivers licenses for illegal aliens.

Data from the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll shows that on the two nights following the debate (Wednesday and Thursday) Clinton held a 45% to 18% lead over Barack Obama. For Clinton, that’s an improvement from Monday and Tuesday nights when her lead over Obama had been 40% to 24%.

John Edwards was at 10% on the first two nights and 12% on Wednesday and Thursday. Bill Richardson went from 5% to 7% during the same time frames.

Well, several points, first of all as Rasmussen admits, the sample size would fit in a teacup. Secondly even the margin for error they’re admitting to, large as it is, may be what they call statistical noise.

But you know, that still leaves us with a fairly small shift in numbers.  The obvious conclusion to draw is that nothing, no amount of scandal, no amount of threats of tax hikes, no amount of freedoms lost is going to push Hillary Clinton out of the race altogether… something we surmized here quite a while ago. Which in turn is why we never joined the cat calls about how she was out of the race because of the other night.

The fact of the matter is, Hillary Clinton’s supporters don’t base their support on her positions, or on any other fact.  They never have… and if there’s one thing this polling data proves, it’s that. If they did base their support on the facts of the case,  she’d have been removed from the Democrat party 8 years ago.

She could have pictures taken of her, with dead mangled puppies and kittens, bloodied axe in hand and covered with blood herself, and she’d not take any political hurt from it, from the mindless drones she has supporting her, regardless of where those pictures were published. All she’d need to do is say the magic words… “For The Children”, and all would be well in her world.

The question becomes, then, are there enough voting Americans with working braincells, to vote against her?

Addeundum:   (David L)

Agreed, but.     John Kerry’s statement that he was for the war before he was against it, didn’t drive down his poll numbers,  but it did kill his campaign.  Mrs.  Clinton committed four Kerry’s in but one debacle, debate.

The John “I Feel Pettty” Edwards campaign has issued what an ad that Markos Moulitsas calls devastating.    Think Daisy.  Think the Bear

It now wabbit season and Mrs. Clinton has been flushed.   She fair game and an easy target.  

Hat Tips:  Jim Geraghty, National Review; Memeorandum.

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