Welcome, one and all, to the most intense nightly read anywhere on the web: The BitsBlog Nightly Ramble
- HANNAH AND THE ACORNers: Hannah Giles files a kick in the butt for ACORN as they slither away. I’ve said it
The commentary that sent the libtards aghast, video
Reax La Shawn Barber:
First, that “many high-profile Christians have had damaging sex scandals” doesn’t negate or contradict Christ’s call to repent of our sins, to confess faith in his finished work
With the ruling, yesterday, from Atty General Eric Holder that Khalid Shaikh Mohammed will be tried in New York City, in a civilian court, Americans should begin to notice a pattern from the Obama administration of running in exactly the
Continue reading about Is the Damage to Our Country By This Administration Intentional?
Radicial Islam has been waging war on the United State at least since 1993.
Yet the dim one, b/k/a President Barack Obama continues to find attacks against in and against our country to be “incomprehensible.” Claudia Rosett, Forbes, try
Continue reading about What We have Here is a Failure to Comprehend
The purpose of an Army has been described as kill people and break things. As such people who excel at leading units dedicated to such tasks, killing people and breaking things, are not noted for nuance. Case in point, William
Continue reading about Ralph Peters: Obama’s Ft Hood Speech Was Bull
There’s a number of people last night heaping praise on Obama’s speech at Ft Hood yesterday. Predictably, Marc Armbinder is one of them:
Today, at Ft. Hood. I guarantee: they’ll be teaching this one in rhetoric classes. It was
Continue reading about The Cold Light of the Day After the Speech
Welcome, one and all to the most intense nightly read anywhere on the sphere…The BitsBlog Nightly Ramble
- SCOZZAFAVA AND THE LEFT: I guess it should not be surprising at all, to see leftists still trying to control the GOP
Welcome, one and all to the most intense nightly read anywhere on the ‘sphere….The BitsBlog Nightly Ramble
- RECOVERY? WHAT RECOVERY? Surber takes a look. And ummm Gang? Remember, now; the 10.2% quoted by the government doesn’t include those who
I actually like the headline James Joyner puts up at a bit better:
House Trades Freedom for Health Coverage, Senate’s Move
The House passed a trillion dollar bill that will force Americans to buy health insurance, force even small businesses
You know, it was only a matter of time, I suppose, before the leftards lept up maliciously and deceitfully attacking someone who brought up bad news about The Chosen One against someone they apparently have decided to make a target
Continue reading about And So Now, the “Kill the Messenger” Nonsense Begins
Welcome, one and all to the most intense nightly read anywhere on the ‘sphere…The BitsBlog Nightly Ramble
- FLIPPANT PRESIDENT? Linda Chavez makes a point I happened to catch Savage making last night while dialing around the band last night.:
Rssty and the Jawa Report crew are calling the Fort Hood murders a terror attack.
Neither Clarice Feldman, nor Linda Chavez are impressed by the moron in chief lame remarks pertaining the Fort Hood murde s, from American Thinker
There are lots of conflicting reports on the number of victims of Nidal Malik Hasan and his bloody ramage at Ft Hood yesterday. the most reliable reports that I’ve found suggest that there’s 13 dead as of this morning
Weclome one and all to the most intense nightly read anywhere on the ‘sphere…The BitsBlog Nightly Ramble
- SHELVE THE ANGER? HELL, NO! I got some feedback last night about how Republicans, particularly the conservatives, need to “shelve their
Barack Obama vintage 2006, as attributed by Jeff Zeleny, New York Stimes:
“My goal is every candidate I campaign for, I want to win — every single candidate,” said Mr. Obama, who at the time was a freshman senator