
An enduring mystery to me: I do not understand why anyone in this country stacks so much as one brick on top of another. Observe:

“The Bush tax cuts, more than any other policy, are crippling the government financially.”

Sometimes, dear reader, the FNORDs blow away and you can see right through the clear sky to the naked, evil premise. The Comfy Commissariat is not concerned with you.  Take them at their words.

Well, of course they’re not concerned with usĀ  (past, of course, what we can pay into the system of their power.)

But please, man, don’t fall into the trap of taking them at their word.


Even if you take it as gospel that we should be concerned that the government is not being allowed to grow, the fact of the matter is that the Bush tax cuts more than any other policy are responsible not only for economic growth in the private sector, but an influx of cash in government coffers as well.  That the government is actually being crippled financially by the Bush tax cuts is a lie is superseded in size and scope only by that of the great lie of global warming.

The point I’m making here is that their true purposes are revealed by their lies, as much as by what little bits of truth slip out every so often.

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