John Hawkins has an interview up with Dawn Eden, the author of the “The Thrill Of The Chaste.”

I know you describe being chaste as rebellious, which is the opposite of what a lot of people probably think. Talk about that a little bit. What makes that so? Why is being chaste more rebellious than having premarital sex?

It’s really the most countercultural action that anyone can take in today’s culture. …Our culture teaches us to measure ourselves and one another by what physical qualities we have that can attract others. So, when you’re chaste, you’re off the market in that sense and you demand to be taken seriously for what’s inside of you and not what’s on the outside. So, it is very radical in the best way.

Well, yeah, she’s got a point there, at least.

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One Response to “Dawn Eden Interview”


  1. Maybe we can just call him Dusk Young? | BitsBlog