Roger Clegg, National Review, reports that Senate has passed yet another silly and unconstitutoinal apology:

On February 26, the Senate passed a “Resolution of Apology to Native Peoples of the United States.”  It is now pending in the House of Representatives.

First it makes “findings,” one of which is that “the policies of the Federal Government toward Indian tribes and the breaking of covenants with Indian tribes have contributed to the severe social ills and economic troubles in many Native communities today.”  No mention, of course, of more proximate causes, like off-the-chart rates of alcoholism and illegitimacy.  And, of course, government efforts “to assimilate” Indians, rather than the reservation system, is criticized.

Faith Brenner, Argus Leader, reports Native Americans have their grievences and feel entitled to an apology:

WASHINGTON, D.C. – More than 100 years after the 7th Cavalry killed 300 Lakota men, women and children at Wounded Knee Creek, Congress is considering legislation officially apologizing for it and other mistreatment the U.S. government carried out against Native Americans over the years.

South Dakota’s congressional delegation supports the Resolution of Apology to Native Peoples of the United States, which the Senate unanimously agreed to add to the Indian Health Care Improvement Act, which is now pending in the House

I acknowledge the Native Americans sense of aggrevation, and that their grievences are not without merit.

Having said that, Congress has utterly no authority to speak in my name and to issue any apology in the name of the American people.  Congress is only entitled to speak for themselves and not for anybody else.

I do not and I will not apologize.   Will you?






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One Response to “Hell No, I Will Not Apologize”

  1. NO! I won’t apologize to the indians, I haven’t oppressed anyone. I’d like to, but, funding is kinda low…