After a number of years of being Barack Obama’s enforcer, and years before that working at the Clinton White House, Rahm Emanuel has been named WH Chief of staff, and we find that John Podesta has been running things for Obama for several months. This from the Dallas Morning News this morning.

The one thing, however, missing in all the articles on the topic is how this loading up of the usual Democrat suspects, represents ‘change’. Its’ a point the paper notes:

Mr. Emanuel’s taste for bare-knuckle politics is a stark contrast to the next president’s image as a conciliator, but an ability to bang heads can help maintain internal discipline.

In 2006, Mr. Emanuel led the Democrats’ House campaign effort that ousted Republicans from power after a dozen years. Colleagues elevated him to the fourth-ranking leadership slot. His penchant for profanity is legendary, as his ability to multitask, a skill he put to good use as a political and policy adviser in the Clinton White House

“He is as smart as a fox and tough as nails, and is one of the savviest political minds that I have ever known,” said Rep. Chet Edwards, D-Waco. “I have no doubt that he is smart enough to adjust to the culture of an Obama operation.”

“Rahm Emanuel stands for everything that Obama was saying is wrong with Washington, but he’s very competent,” said Mr. Edwards, the former congressman.

Meet the new boss…. same as the old boss.

4 Responses to “So Much for ‘Change’… Rahm Emanuel to be WH Chief of Staff”

  1. Yeah you are spot on..Its the same old wine in a new bottle..oldies doing their thing..Obama nobama…what is he gonna do when his ears and eyes are still the same old crap

  2. Change in leadership usually means a change in policy.  This is why corporations change CEO’s.  The same management is in place but it is the top exec that sets the tone and direction of the corporation.  So it is with the business world, and so it is with the political world.

  3. Great choice.

  4. @Marc

    So, what were all those promises, then?

    Are we really to believe that the same dogs are going to act much differently just because the lead dog changes?

    Sorry, no sale.

    If McCain had won and kept Bush appointees in place, what would you have said?