Dim Won, b/k/a President Barrack Hussien Obama, needs to remind the nation that as well as being a retired President he, along with his wife, are both former lawyers. They both have JD’s but have surrendered their law licenses. Dim
The problem for Dumbo’s, b/k/a Barack Obama, Pen and Phone playbook is that two can play the same game. When the Clinton era Defense of Marriage Act was challenged in court, the Dumbo regime refused to defend the law of
Leads from Behind, a/k/a Dim Won, b/k/a former President Barack Obama described ISIS as the junior varsity but declared it would be almost impossible to defeat them. Aside to Dim Won, you can’t succeed if you don’t even try. It
Dateline Baltimore: another day and yet another Obama appointed judge oes rogue, from Frontpage:
An Obama-appointed judge is moving forward with a federal takeover of the Baltimore, Md. police department that critics say will boost crime there by handcuffing
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The ‘rats are still steaming that Mitch McConnell stymied Barrack Obama move to install Merrick Garland on the Supreme Court. Some ‘rats, well maybe not Senator Chuckles, Charles Schumer, the uncle of the hack comic, have proposed allowing the confirmation
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This is not quite as good as getting the Mexicans to pay for the fence, but it is not a bad start. Little Donny, b/k/a President Donald Trump, can order the building of his big fence because, in part, congressional
Sad but expected news, from American Power:
Obama Commutes Bradley Manning’s Sentence
Well, supposedly it’s “Chelsea Manning,” but he’s a she now, if you’re all into the transgender identity thing (and I’m not).
Perhaps because Bradley came out as
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The lame stream media is a ablaze with the Obama regime false flag that somehow the Russian government was the conduit for the Wikileaks flood of information hacked from the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign. Yet the Clinton
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The Obama regime having failed to derail the election of Donald Trump was lower its sights to attempting to deprive both the President and our or nation of a cabinet, fake news from National Public Radio:
The Office of
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Surgeon General Vivek Murthyand spews utter male bovine excrement and Tampa Bay Times staff writers Divya Kumar and Kathleen McGrory lap it up, from the Tampa Bay Time, all the news that’s fit to fake:
Vaping among high school
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Rush Limbaugh on the democrat riots,
I tell you what I would do, and I would have already done it, but since it isn’t done already, here’s what I would do. I’d call Obama and I’d call Hillary, and I’d
Dim Won, a/k/a Dumbo, b/k/a President Barrack Obama has never been too bright. Dim Won wants us to believe he used a pseudonym when emailing his Secretary of State, Mrs. B.J. Clinton, her private unsecure Clinton as a security measure,
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Little Finger does seem to have one big portion to his anatomy. His big feet keep stomping on his campaign message, Little Finger, a/k/a Donny Trump stuck his finger in it, yet again, from ABC News:
Former New York
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From Dana, Patterico’s Pontifications:
Dana asks: I Guess It Depends On What The Definition of “Ransom” Is?
I get the classic reference to Clinton style lying by parsing. However when paying a criminal regime, such as Iran, what appears
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