Welcome, one and all to the most intense nightly read anywhere on the sphere… The BitsBlog Nightly Ramble


  • HEALTHCARE AND SALESMANSHIP: I notice where Harry Reid says that he’s got a deal going to resolve the impasse on the “public up shun” which, in reality is nothing more than a complete government takeover of health care.  First of all, regardless of how that is, the fact of the matter is he doesn’t have 60 votes. That, my friends, is because the American people are starting to stand up, and be counted.  They don’t want a government takeover of health care.   Period. What we’re seeing is salesmanship.  Or, in the vernacular, hype.  Harry Reid is trying to create a bandwagon effect here by saying that the conflict is over, when in fact it is not.  (Gee, isn’t that the same thing the left is trying to do as regards the “global warming” myth? )Bruce McQuain points out there are several functional problems with the deal Harry says solves all our problems:

    hat in the world are the Senate Democrats thinking?  Isn’t this supposed to be about “health care reform”?  Apparently their idea of reform is to take a system that has trillions of dollars in unfunded liabilities and expand it without ever addressing the underlying reason for the huge future debt?

    Brilliant.  Just brilliant.

    But apparently winning the process (passing something called “health care reform”) has become more important than the original purpose of “reform”.

    Frankly, I have a quibble with Bruce on this point.  At least, with the way this is worded.  I understand, sarcasm, and all that.  The fact of the matter is, however, that this was never really about improving health care in this country, and as such actual improvement of Healthcare delivery is not on the agenda, now.  What is on the agenda is the centralization of power within the halls of fhe Federal government, and the centralization of power within the Federal government to the Democrat party. as for the rest, since when have Democrats ever worried about balanced budgets?

  • SPEAKING OF HARRY: James Toranto today asks:

    How did such an unappealing man who says so many foolish things get so far in politics?

    James you answered this one yourself a couple paras up:

    It’s hard to imagine what Reid could be hoping to accomplish, other than perhaps rallying the Democratic left with a little partisan hate speech.

    You see, James, that kind of thing is what passes for “substance” amongst the left anymore.  That’s always managed get elected. He keeps getting elected, because he knows how to play to his base.  Your problem, James, in your analysis, is that you attempt to tie something slightly more sensible than this to Harry Reid.  Bad move.

  • NOTE TO MEDIA MATTERS: Generally, it is difficult if not impossible to defend a charge of falsifying records, by using falsified records as fact.  As in this case. You for example cite global temperatures published in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s 2001 report… And yet, amazingly, we have no indication whatsoever that this chart is any more accurate … IE less falsified…than any of the rest of what’s been fed our way for the last 30 years.  CLUE: To convince the world that the earth is warming, you’re going to have to prove your case on the evidence.  The evidence you are using is tainted, and thereby inadmissible.   It also tends to ignore the idea that we are at the moment in a large cooling trend.  How when convenient some facts are, eh?  And please spare us the sanctimony about articles being written by “actual climates scientists”.  Let’s remember, the emails which everybody saw just recently, were also written by “actual climate scientists” and exposed them as liars.  And that evidence is still coming in…. A lie you are now willingly a party to.  Media Matters, but apparently not facts, if they run afoul the leftist spew.  Oh…. Required reading on this topic: David Solway.
  • AS PREDICTED: George Stephanopoulos will anchor of “Good Morning America”
  • RATINGS TROUBLE FOR OBAMA: Ben Smith today tells us that just 50% of voters now say they prefer having Obama as president versus 44% for the supposedly unpopular President Bush.   The fact of the matter is that The Chosen One actually has the lowest first year approved all rating that has ever been recorded for any president at all, at this point in their presidency.  Ponder that for just a moment.  Oh… and according to Gallup now, only 26% figure that The Anointed One should have received that Nobel prize.   Frankly, it’s might take, that most people don’t really understand that the Nobel prizes and about actual accomplishment anymore, and hasn’t been in several years.  It’s how sleeve tow the leftist political line, that gets you nominated.