At the ironically named Outside the Beltway, one Steven L Taylor finds  racism where there is scant evidence it exists but is blind to racism where in does in fact exist.    The  very brief history of the George Zimmerman shooting of Trayvon Martin and subsequent events goes like this .   An Hispanic shoots a black, most likely in self-defense.   The lame stream media falsely identifies Zimmerman as both racist and white.    Egged by provocateurs like Spike Lee and the Reverend Al Sharpton, blacks start attacking whites. from the confused Taylor:

This situation has caused something of a stir in some of the rightward reaches of the blogosphere, as they now have a case that appears, at least at first reporting, to be a racially motivated attack wherein the perpetrators were black and the victim white.

Indeed, apparently people such as Jim Treacher think that a very serious crime is really just a swell chance to attempt* to score very cheap political points:

We can find similar responses from Stacy McCain, Rick Moran, and Glenn Reynolds.

These are writers who found it offensive/problematic/etc. to suggest that race might have been a factor in the Martin-Zimmerman case but who now find it very useful to throw up race now. In the Martin case decades of racial tensions in the US, the entire “talk” phenomenon, and so forth is just crazy talk and worthy of derision and dismissal, but now that a white man has been beaten by black men, well now we can talk about race and we can also blame the media and such for causing this event.**

The so-called evidence which suggested the Zimmerman was racist, was manufactured  by the likes of NBC and ABC.

Martin was killed by an Hispanic.   Blacks start attacking whites, while chanting revenge for Trayvon.   It was the media which identified Zimmerman,  quite wrongly, as white.